Tag Archives: Patanajali

Yoga and the way to the Universe

All the orthodox systems of Indian Philosophy have one goal in view, the liberation of the soul through perfection. The method is by Yoga.

– Swami Vivekananda.

A modern way to express the action of the mind is to say that thinking is the recycling of the data that you have already gathered. It is a fascinating and absorbing approach and generates a desire to go deeper in the investigation of its truth.

When we read and contemplate the aphorisms of Patanjali and determined to understand their meaning, we find many different interpretations. These create a challenge and make the significance of the nature of yoga a bit harder to comprehend.

Most likely, the most common aphorism used in the teaching community is the definition of yoga as “Yogas chitta vritti nirodha” . You must have heard it many times, and its many standard definitions of non-thinking, and most likely you must have wondered, how could this be possible?  – Author Barbara Stoller Miller refers to this Sutra as the “cessation of the turnings of thought.” Let’s elaborate further.

Pranayama and the Mind Connection

Anga is the Sanskrit term used for limb, and Pranayama is described as the fourth rung in the science of yoga. It is an important joint in the yogic system and perhaps the most transcendental in the path of many practitioners. Although Sri Patanjali Maharishi mentioned it only three times in his yoga aphorisms; he refers this practice as the one who can finally uncover the polluted layers of chitta [though-wave]. This practice has the potential to purify thoughts and make them fit for the first meditative state called Dharana, which is the practice of deep focusing; prior entering the mental expansiveness state of Dhyana which is a yogic meditation.

You can refer to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali for more information, look for the Sutras 3.1 deshah bandhah chittasya dharana and 3.2 tatra pratyaya ekatanata dhyanam.

Patanjali Maharishi understands that the one who is reading his aphorisms is a practitioner who has already obtained a higher level of awareness. The whole process has the potential to help you realize the possibility to know the entire universe, and it is trough the practice of Pranayama that the practitioner could reach this goal.

In others words, yogis only need to know themselves. It is accessible to them because they are it, and the Pranayama anga could facilitate this realization.

Self-realization is the gift of your yoga practice. Always pay attention to the nature of your existence. Learn to discriminate the impulse of your thoughts, the reason of your beliefs, the nature of your habits or ideas of perception, conception, and intellect. Yogis say it is the closest and fastest way to realize the vast universe within yourself.

Perhaps if you experience a profound and lasting inner peace without any interruption due to distraction and the pulling of your tendencies (samskaras), you could be able to say that somehow you have experienced Self-realization.

Lastly, as my teacher said, a yogi does not believe anything. The only way a yogi believes is when whatever it is, has been experienced within.