Add Value – Simplicty is the Key

In business, the creation of value is the primary aim. By creating value for customers; managers can help sell products and services, all while creating value for shareholders. This approach is pretty logical and clear.

In life, however; we sometimes don’t know how to contribute and add value to our lives for the simple fact that is a little complicated and confusing to determine what we want for ourselves. (sometimes)

I once noticed how a young child was coloring a drawing on a scrap paper and right after she finished it, she gave it to her father.

The father, looked at it and smiled back at the young girl and picked her up in his arms and kissed her.

The expression of the girl’s eyes was priceless. She added value to her father’s life by doing something so simple as drawing on a piece of scrap paper.

It is all about Inertia

In life, everything is determined by universal laws and one of them is the law of inertia.

The First Newton Law states that an object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force.

An object in motion continues in motion with the same speed and the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

This is the law of inertia, and it means that there is a natural tendency of objects to keep on doing what they’re doing.

All objects resist changes in their state of motion. In the absence of an unbalanced force, an object on the move will maintain this state of motion

Most of the time we remain static and desiring to have the strength to overcome our bad habits. These are the natural tendencies to keep doing what we are doing unless an opposite force pushes us to begin moving.

These forces are usually in the form of pain. When the emotional pain is greater than the negative habit, then we tend to move.

To continue moving, we don’t need any other forces; we are in the movement already.

According to the law of inertia, we will continue in motion until another force typically of opposite direction comes to stop us. However, if you want to continue with your personal progress, don’t allow any opposing forces to counteract your momentum – just keep moving. (doing)

Simplicity is the Key

Simple things are the secret. If you want to lose weight, walk a little more and eat a little less. If you want to excel in your job, do a bit more and stay 15 minutes later in your office.

If you want to accomplish any personal goal, understand that progress will never come by force, it has to be an organic process.

Personal growth comes from creating simple things, so simple that your current habits will not feel affected. You have to become a strategist and plan your progress intelligently.

Become a smarter individual, and secretly sabotage your bad behaviors and habits by introducing new and very simple new ones.

You will be adding value to your existence, and therefore you will contribute by inspiring others.

Be better not by chance but by change.

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