Isabel Myers was the founder of the Myers & Briggs Foundation for personality and the developer of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®. She was an avid follower of Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist, and founder of the school of analytical psychology.
I have been reading Carl Jung since my early 20’s, and I find his readings really fascinating. However; I tend to gravitate towards simpler concepts when it comes to behavioral psychology. Isabel Myers’ approach to the study of personality and the understanding of human development is a lot simpler.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® explains that the Development and applications of psychological type, are founded on the idea that understanding your type can help you:
(a) appreciate your own strengths, gifts, and potential developmental needs, and
(b) help you understand and appreciate how other people may differ from you.
Understanding your strengths and gifts is a key for their appreciation
Lots of us get involved in daily activities, projects and different situations that simply rob us from leading our lives to higher standards, therefore; jeopardizing our true and honest desires to do what we love.
We normally get entangled in a series of multitasking activities and our lives seem to be saturated with stressful responsibilities, relationships, and a series of sometimes nonsense matters.
We want to accomplish many things at once thinking that multitasking will allow us to produce more and save time. This is not true, however.
One must remain focused and with a definite purpose in mind in order to accomplish wholesome results. It also important to know our capacities and push them a little in order to build the necessary strength.
This is the point of appreciation for when we accomplish what we want, we will realize that we have utilized commitment and perseverance. Accomplishing our goals will add more confidence in one’s own worth or abilities; leading to self-respect and self- reassurance.
Finding our Purpose
George Bernard Shaw has a great quote. He says: “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself” – It is important to always understand ourselves and the reason for our actions. I know it is not easy. I have experienced moments in life where I have asked myself why is it, that I do what I do? – and many, many times I don’t really know the reasons.
Taking time to stop and invest some moments in introspection is an excellent practice. It will allow you to spend quality time with your mind and perhaps to even have a great conversation with your thoughts, allowing you in a moment to recognize any negative patterns. This is the practice of meeting your Self to find your Self.
Getting to learn about your needs is also critical for psychological balance. Living a chaotic life due to resentment and frustration for not fulfilling your needs, will create a domino effect that eventually will interfere with all your external relationships as well.
Per Carl Jung, people are either born with or develop, certain preferred ways of perceiving and deciding. In my case, I want to say that I tend to make decisions based on my emotional state but my sense of perception is most of the time from the intellectual viewpoint. Every single person is different but the are all looking for the same thing: happiness.
Happiness is the ultimate goal – but without a purpose, it could become a very misleading act that can actually bring nothing but frustration and therefore throwing you back in an endless loop of dissatisfaction.
What Do you Want?
Ask yourself what do I want? Consider many scenarios and list them and feel them in your body. Feel what resonates with you.
It is necessary to learn to obtain happiness while walking the path of fulfillment. You will not find happiness at the end of your journey. It will only be satisfaction because there will always be room for more. Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure in life.
We need to find a sense of purpose, we need to learn and know what we want. We need to feel what make our heart energy vibrate when we think about our purpose in life. This purpose must be aligned with what you value in life. When you realize what you want, then make a plan to fulfill your want and stick to it until you have accomplished it.
Lots of people get on the bus of life and stay focused on the minor details that only bring dissatisfaction and frustration. They never dare to look at the windows and enjoy the landscape of their journey.
Live a life of meaning which means have a sense of motivation. What is it that you like to do? We as a society have been evolving exponentially and no longer need be to tie to its demands. (if we don’t want to)
We now possess freedom of information. Freedom to be whoever we want to be and do whatever we want to do.
We as a society, no longer need to fulfill expectations – we just don’t have to anymore. We are free and able to fulfill our dreams and goals if we stick to both, our purpose and plan.
Lastly, go through the boredom you will encounter on your path to success. Endure, don’t stop, don’t give up, embrace your daily practice and you will achieve your goals.
By staying true to your purpose, you will be able to step out of any type indicators, this way you will simply appreciate your strength and the diversity in others.