Why I Decided to Study the Science of Yoga

There are many ways to approach life, some of us take life as it comes, some take life way too serious and get obsessed with the intricacies of their daily routines.

Also; at the same time, we are all exposed to disciplines designed to create better results in many different levels in life.

Some of them are very ancient; some are very modern and exciting; others, like yoga; are very profound, sometimes even confusing and therefore misunderstood.

What is this yoga thing?

According to Sports Marketing Survey, established in 1984 by Ian Peacock; the latest statistics shows that the number of US yoga practitioners has increased to more than 36 million, up from 20.4 million in 2012.

The cost of yoga classes, clothing, equipment, and accessories is up to $16 billion, up from $10 billion over the past four years.

The statistics show that in the US yoga is a great business rather than a science of self-knowledge, discovery of human potential and mental evolution.

This number is alarming and will continue to grow, and perhaps it will take some years for the real message of yoga to raise.

Meanwhile, I choose to keep learning through experiential methods while studying the yogic information provided from reliable sources.

Yoga is life; it is your life, my life, and the life of every single sentient being. It is holy.

I decided to study this science because it helps me focus on the actual meaning of my spiritual world and that is enough for me to stay aware of my evolution as a human being, as a practitioner, as a student, and as a professional.

It helps me stay concentrated in what is important, which is the act of giving, creating and supporting. It keeps me searching inside me and not inside many yoga studios. I decided to dive in deep into the world of yogic scriptures to explore something different, more profound than 60-minute classes, which I have both attended and hosted in many occassions.

If you practice consciously, systematically and in a scientific way, one can obtain beautiful results in a short period.

Although it is always a good alternative to fix the body as a unit of energy, the combination of yoga with medicine will not provide the individual with the primary goal of yoga.

Medicine in conjunction with yoga will not make you realize your potential, it will make you feel physically good only, I am afraid this holistic practice will end up being corrupted by the western medical approach.

The real meaning of this practice resides in the full aspect of going beyond comfort and applications that only confuse the population.

Yoga is the science of consciousness, and it is the study of truth. It is the constant coming back to one self because there is nothing out there for us other than confusion.

There is a path known as the Eight Limbs of Yoga; it is beautiful but not practiced thoroughly and much less in the west.

Next time you take a yoga class, make sure you understand that what you are experiencing is only  is just a tiny part of its complex world.

Meanwhile, I rather focus on yoga studies than yoga studios.

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